Nvidia 2080 Super - Every game crashing

A few months ago this problem started happening with my PC. This was not an issue for the first year and a half after building this computer.

When playing games on 1440p resolution and high graphics my games crash after being launched for a few minutes. I have tested on multiple different games and engines (COD MW2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, CSGO, CIV 6, Risk of Rain 2, GTA V), and they all have this issue. I should be able to run these games with my rig (specs below).

[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GKDCXv)

When I turn the graphics down and set the resolution to 720p the games will run without crashing.

Obviously, the problem is I spent $2000 on this gaming rig a couple of years back, and here I am playing games on 720p.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers, put the Nvidia control panel in debug mode, cleaned the dust from the inside of my pc and multiple other generic attempts to fix issues like this I found on online forums. nothing seems to be working. I really need some help here as now im at a loss and considering buying a new GPU.