Scammed by a locksmith?
I accidentally lost my key walking my dog and couldn’t find it anywhere. I called a locksmith out of desperation and the company said one of their technicians would reach out to me. The man called me and then said he’d need to see the car in person and it would be free of charge for him to get to me. So I agreed that was fine. My dad and boyfriend were both present with me when he showed up and so we asked the technician how much it would be and he said 50. We all looked at each other in shock because we thought that was cheap for two car keys. My boyfriend asked him very clearly “you would be able to do everything for 50?” And he responded with “yes I would be able to do it all for 50.” So obviously we said yes. He then proceeded to do his job and towards the end I asked if I could pay him before he finished. I asked if he took Zelle (transfer him money directly through his phone) and he said yes. So I sent him 50 + a 10 dollar tip. I made him look at my phone screen to check his phone number and the amount was correct, he said yes and even thanked me for the 10 dollar tip. He gave us the keys and we were all off on our own ways. He then calls me back 20 minutes later saying that the price was actually 250 not 50. I was so stunned I didn’t even know what to say and said I would call him back so I can speak to my partner. They didn’t ask me for ID or to sign anything at all so I’m just wondering that if I ignore all this will there be consequences? They also don’t have my credit card. Knowing the full price I would have never taken the service. The company hasn’t called me at all and it’s been about two hours. But the man has texted me since asking for the money. Would appreciate some advice.