Wisdom teeth removal
Even with dental and health insurance through their FT employer, , it will cost my 19yo almost $2000 to have wisdom teeth removed!
They called me crying after their consultation because they know money is tight.
They would be able to cover the cost if they weren't kicking in on bills.
Disclaimer: We already make coffee at home, no Door Dash or Ubers, both our vehicles are 2010s.
We have officially reached the point we are better off, financially, to go on welfare! This is no way to live.
Even with dental and health insurance through their FT employer, , it will cost my 19yo almost $2000 to have wisdom teeth removed!
They called me crying after their consultation because they know money is tight.
They would be able to cover the cost if they weren't kicking in on bills.
Disclaimer: We already make coffee at home, no Door Dash or Ubers, both our vehicles are 2010s.
We have officially reached the point we are better off, financially, to go on welfare! This is no way to live.