How is that the last two generations have so much worse outcomes and don’t have any opportunities
Idk if I’m ranting but now everywhere I look that old people are either saying that our gen is lazy or accepting that the things that taught them and made them successful has become a sub standard and don’t know what to do on top to even find a decent lifestyle.
Is it just me or that everyone has just been blank on terms of what is going on financially and lifestyle wise here in Canada.
Automation and economy tanking has made it impossible for our generation to have that start that every other generation had ??
Idk if either without some financial support from family we would even be eating and might even starving. Is there any way to fix the crisis the current generations are facing and the new gen that is going to come would have even worse situation than us.
Even though I’m young I feel that it is better to get any work and save and leave to some cottage or some house in the middle of nowhere.