Wife dreading life with a child

My wife is 8 weeks pregnant and very depressed. We had been trying for 4 months, and had always planned to start trying for children around this time, although we were always sort of on the fence about kids. We didn't want to regret not having children so we went for it. The first few negative tests was upsetting for her, and she'd look at others who were pregnant and get upset as well

She has had mixed emotions since the positive test but for the past 3 weeks especially has been feeling a lot of dread about the decision. The thought of terminating was bringing her a lot of relief. She arranged a consultation this week for abortion pills, but this morning cancelled them after speaking to her family. They have been supportive but have kids themselves, so obviously are coming from a place of pro children. They have tried to convince her that abortion isn't what she truly wants, that it's the depression clouding her mind. With myself also trying to paint a picture of how good it can be, and that there was a reason we were trying to conceive before, she seemed to lean towards keeping it

This evening though she has broken down. She was in hysterics in the shower saying that she's ruined her life, which breaks my heart. She has a history of low moods but not serious depression, but she has said she thinks kids will drive her to suicide, and keeps mentioning that she doesn't want to be around anymore. I'm not sure if she will actually do anything but I don't want to push this anymore to find out. I've said if she still terminates that I'll support her decision, I want her to be happy. She says she thinks we'll break up over this because I want them (but I personally don't NEED them, I would enjoy a life with just me and her too)

I don't know whether this is hormones/depression, or if she truly feels this way. She says she doesn't want to be a mother, and have to be responsible for a child - with all the boring/hard things that come with it. She also struggles with illness and migraines, and can't imagine having to care for anything else during these times. Currently the hormones are hitting HARD and she has constant nausea, is exhausted and bloated/constipated, so I can imagine why she's worried about being ill. She has said a few things that would be great about kids, so I sense she's a bit conflicted but the cons are outweighing the pros it seems. I'm not in her mind. I think she really needs help to figure this out, so I'm trying to reach out to therapists.

Sorry for the long story but has anyone been in this position, and what did you decide to do? If terminating is the right choice then I want that for her, I just don't want her to regret that decision either. I wish I could see in to her future...

Any responses greatly appreciated