Thoughts on upping dose (10mg -> 20mg) even though only negative side effects so far? Week 5 mark.
Ever since starting 10mg in mid January, I have been feeling the (somewhat common according to this sub) side effects of: fast heart rate, increased panic/anxiety, headaches, fatigue, increased ruminations, increased depression. On two occasions in the past month, I’ve felt positive and calm (so I’m still hopeful it can work for me!)
I started with 10mg because I’m normally pretty sensitive to medication. But I agree with my doctor that I might need to try a higher dose to get the real anti-anxiety effects from the medicine. I’m just worried about all of these negative side effects getting worse when I increase. I really hate the feeling of my heart racing and don’t want that to get any worse!
Any feedback on if increasing made the negative side effects worse? Or is it possible they can actually get better? Do some people just never get past these side effects and realize this med isn’t for them?