Dog bite question

I received a shallow bite to the hand (piecing the skin in 2 apots) from a dog in sri lanka in the hiriketiya area at approx. 11pm on the 10/03/2025.

The dog had no outward signs of rabbies and the owner advised it was immunised. The dog was also accompanied by a group of puppies from a different dog speciess. The owner (i think) reffered to these dogs as house dogs and gave vsgur confirmation that they had been imunised when asked and when shown a google trenslated message. This happened approx 24 hours ago, should I be getting post exposure treatment?

The bites are shallow and did not bleed, the bite below the left knuckle could have the skin peeled back to reveal red/blood like matter.

If so can I wait a week until I am home to do this.

I have read the FAQ.
