Losing your job is now basically a 5+ year sentence.

Once upon a time, if you lost your job, you could typically find a new job in a few weeks or months. But now it looks more like this:

You will first take 1-2 years minimum to find a shitty job. The good jobs don't hire the unemployed, and really the shitty jobs don't anymore, either. So you spend 1-2 years firing off thousands of applications, getting ghosted left and right. Racking up a mind boggling amount of consumer debt just to survive.

Finally, you find a shitty job. It's at a toxic, shitty small business. You make half your previous salary, with no benefits or PTO. Your boss is an incredible micromanager and screams at you for the smallest things. Every day you feel physically ill at the thought of going in (and go in you will - your two remote days a week are called "Saturday" and "Sunday"). But you are grateful to have any job in this shitty economy. You make minimum payments on that consumer debt, and those minimum payments make your already-lower salary feel even lower. Your debt load actually grows despite the payments, given the crushing weight of the Fed's interest rates.

Now you have to spend 2-3 years having your soul crushed in that shitty job, in order to rebuild your professional credibility and not look like a job hopper. Not to mention, this job will take so much out of you, you won't have any energy to look for anything else. You'll be in survival mode.

Then, finally, you score a good job again. But now a huge amount of your salary is going towards tackling that consumer debt!

I fear this is going to be the new reality for most people. Even if you are currently employed, cut all non-essential expenses NOW and start bulking up your emergency funds. And spend some time this week cultivating your network, because by the time you lose your job, it's too late to do either of those things.