I have to wonder if Benson went to Dumptown USA after the events of “The Real Thomas”
We know Benson has gone there many, many times after an unfortunate break up with his past girlfriends. We even hear him saying “Audrey, wHoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo??? 🤪” while drunk on chicken wings after his off-screen (and sadly never confirmed why, as far as I know) break-up with her.
However, it does make me wonder from time to time. Has Benson done the same thing after what happened with his “relationship” between him and Natalia (or “Natalie” as he keeps thinking is her real name)? Because Benson honestly seemed really attached to her even with the events of the fact that they were all about to literally die because of her, and even cries out to her after seeing her be eaten and swallowed whole by a whale (yeah, Mordecai’s reaction was completely justified there, lol).
I think it honestly would have been funny if the episode had shown Benson at the paradise location saying “Natalie wHoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo 🤪” while completely drunk out of his mind because he still was under the impression they were a couple, lol.