My Ex-husband(M/28) is trying to steal my(F/26) family! How to proceed?
My ex-husband, Jason, is trying to take my place in my family. For some background, Jason and I broke up almost 4 years ago due to abuse in the relationship on his part. After we broke up he remained in contact with my family. Doing things like coming around for family dinners and joining us during holidays. A few months after our break up we still lived together as we had a lease. However as soon as I could, I not only left house but move to a whole new country to get away from the situation, I was able to land a great job overseas. Since then he continued to get closer and closer with my family. I tried not to let it bother me but it did. This weekend everything came to a head when he decided to introduce his new girlfriend to my family. He is trying to bring her around them so she will be welcome in their house. I tried telling my family how uncomfortable this makes me feel. I told them not only is he my abusive ex husband but he is not their son. I really want them to support me and recognize how badly Jason hurt me during our marriage. They told me I’m being dramatic and to get over it. I have put up with so much in terms of them keeping a relationship with him. However, the fact that Jason’s new girlfriend, who is 21 by the way, will be spending more time with my family than me is infuriating. I’m not sure what I can do to have my point come across for them to realize this isn’t appropriate. If they want to have a connection with Jason I won’t stop them but basically having him around as family has really pushed the limit for me. Any ideas on what I can do about this situation? It’s ruining my holiday season knowing this random woman and my Ex will be spending Christmas with MY family and I will not be.
Also to clarify, I have absolutely no romantic feelings for Jason. The reason him bringing his new girlfriend around irritates me is because I feel like that’s something you do with your own family. From what I’ve heard Jason’s family hasn’t even met his girlfriend yet but my family has. I can add additional calcification if needed. Thank you all in advance!
UPDATE I told my mom that I’m going to cut contact for a while. She responded:
Wow OP. I am so confused what is all the dilemma about? I feel that you’re basically saying that we are not allowed to have people over our house if it is not approved by you or your sister. That is wrong!!! I could see if you were here and they came over. I recommend you put some taught into it. We love you 🥰
I’m going to leave her unblocked for the next few hours so I can express in detail the exact problem but by tomorrow I will be blocking them all. I really appreciate all of the advice. I don’t know how I never realized how bad it was until now.
UPDATE 2 I have now cut contact with me family that supports Jason. As I said in my earlier update I left my messages open for one last day. I got this message from my dad:
OP, you can never be replaced. Neither you nor your sister can be replaced. Jason has been in our life’s for a while. He has done nothing to us and no, we are not using him to help with pops((he watches my sick grandpa sometimes)). I’ve had him over here and there for burgers the same as I have had Mathew((my sister’s ex))over to eat without you or your sister with them. I have a huge problem with this when you think or say you’re being replaced. That could never happen in a million years. I cannot hate someone that has not done anything to me. If you would’ve said something while you were together that he was hurting you physically that could’ve been taken care of very easily. You probably would’ve hated me even more after the fact. Besides all this, I just wish you knew that you cannot and will not ever be replaced. I call you both my kids when I talk to people about you both. I’m proud how you have ventured out in life, I’m proud of your sister. It breaks my heart that you get so mad at us over this and would never talk to us again if we talk to Jason’s gf.
So there we have it. No way to deny anything to myself anymore.
Again thank you to everyone who has been in my corner. Thank you for all of the advice. It’s time to move forward with my life in a positive direction.