Girlfriends debt

I M29 and gf F26 have been dating for a few months.

She had debt a lot and I feel like I don’t want my life on hold to see if she can get a hold of this debt. Advice on what to do? As in stay or leave?

Her finances Yearly 100k

Monthly expenses Mortgage 2k Student loans 1500. Loan is 189k total. Car 550. Car is upside down loan is 24 k car is worth 18k Hoa 300 Utilities ? She does get about a 1k bonus a month.

I love to travel and have fun and don’t know if I can put my life on hold. I have talked to her and said before we ever move forward I would need car loan gone and student loan under 100k. Within the next 2 years. Idk if I am handling this right if I should leave?

TLDR: gf has debt.

On my end I have only student loans of 300 a month and rent of 500.