About Sailor Moon's Japanese voice

Hey everyone! One thought just crossed my mind. We heard years ago that Sailor Moon's original VA in Japan, Kotono Mitsuishi, retired from playing the role after the release of the Cosmos movies. Even though Naoko Takeuchi hold her properties, especially Sailor Moon, quite tightly, there's always the possibility of it making another return in some form, even though it might take a few years. I mean, we live in a time in which a bunch of anime are getting new versions. Aside from Sailor Moon, in the last 10 years or so, we got new versions of Shaman King, Evangelion, Kino's Journey, Mahoujin Guru Guru, Digimon Adventure, Mobile Suit Gundam, Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Houshin Engi (it stinks), Space Battleship Yamato and Hellsing, with plans for a remake of Magic Knight Rayearth. Those are just a few examples from the top of my head.

Coming back to Sailor Moon, here's my question and that is putting aside the possibility of using AI. Is there anyone you can think of to replace Kotono Mitsuishi for a new anime adaptation or maybe a video game based on the property or a possible anime based crossover game? When it comes to me, one name springs to mind, that being Kae Araki. She's more well known for playing Chibiusa in the 90's, but she also played Usagi during that time for a few episodes and now, if Wikipedia is to be believed, she works as a freelancer.

For those that are more into the stage shows, something I don't play close attention to, perhaps one of the actresses that played the character on stage could maybe do it.

I'm curious about your thoughts on the matter. If you read my post so far, thank you for your attention and I wish you a wonderful weekend.