Is anyone else like excessively paranoid about everything?

I’m a very insecure person but i am literally terrified of answering questions in class just in case i’m wrong, like what if people laugh? I hate my voice because what if people think i’m annoying? What if people think i’m ugly? What if i’m annoying? What if i’m pushy? What if i smell weird? Do people hate me? Do people want me dead? Did i mess up 3 years ago when i did this? Should i even be alive? I am terrified of being myself. It’s gotten so bad i’ve lost the kind of person I am. I cant decide my own favorite color, i cant decide my favorite song, nothing. I hate that i can never have a straight opinion just in case i’m viewed weirdly or people dont like that view.

I like to draw, but am terrified to show people i know because what if they judge me? What if they think its shitty?

I’m also like paranoid in life. I cant decide between walking down the road and be like “someone could run up to me and stab me” or like “what would happen if i didn’t look long enough crossing the road” or “i could die right now and no one would care”. It takes over my every second and i’m so tired of everything. Like what if i’m schitzo /j or like what if theres something seriously wring with me and i’ll never know because i can never reach out? Like what is wrong with me