A “taker” will never get enough from a “giver”

I thought there was something wrong with me but I realized I was born a giver in a world full of takers,

What I had to offer was never enough because a taker can never be satisfied,

I would give and give and give not realizing that I was the one with the supply,

Continuing to be fooled wondering why I felt drained while others left nourished,

Everything I touch turned to gold while I rust,

If I cut off the supply they became distant…

Thinking do I not have enough to give?

No it’s because they didn’t have access to my supply so why would they value me?

They’re takers…

When you walk around life blessed and the light shines on you,

Some will hate your guts because they wonder why the sun doesn’t shine on them,

Or they will make friendly with you just to get a piece for themselves,

Little did they know…

While my well quenched their thirst I was busy drowning,

But I was looking to them for dry land while they were looking to me to hydrate,

It took a while but I just had to learn how to swim,

To not be scared of the deep waters…

Maybe I’m wrong but why would they continue to take if there was nothing to get?

Can you fill your cup up from an empty well?

No, so don’t let others fool you into thinking you have nothing to offer…

Sometimes they jump in with you only to find out they can’t swim,

Now I swim freely, not to escape it but because I realized this is where I belong…