Do I forgive her?

I guess I would just like to hear opinions.

For some context, I’m in high school, my best friend of ten years assaulted me a few months ago. If it were just anyone who had done what she did, I would’ve been a lot less forgiving, but it’s complicated. We are both bisexual, I have a boyfriend. She didn’t have a partner at the time. We dated almost two years ago for a week, it was barely anything. Three weeks into my current relationship, before the SA happened, she confessed that she still loved me.

So long story short, my best friend, who I dated years ago very short term, who was still in love with me, SA’d me.

We argued about it multiple times, me just trying to figure out what to do, and her continuously making up excuses such as:

“It was an attempt to flirt” which she had already been doing and I expressed discomfort about because I have a partner

“My friends do sh*t like that all the time”


We don’t go to the same school, but we have many mutual friends. I can’t bring myself to block her or stop talking to her. I don’t want to keep talking to her, as it makes me uncomfortable, and my partner doesn’t trust that she won’t do something again, and neither do I. Should I just block her or keep giving her a chance? I’m not sure if this made any sense, sorry.

(I would also like to make sure to establish that I have 0 romantic interest in her whatsoever)