Why does everyone get triggered by height difference couples?

I just don’t get it. I’m a 5’8 woman and my partner is 5’7. My boyfriend and I genuinely don’t care about our difference in height, we even find it endearing. However, I do get pissed off when people always have a need to point it out as if it’s something bad. IRONICALLY, It’s always the tall men that have something to say! Since I live in one of those countries where the male average is 6’. I just assume that It’s them being jealous that they can’t find love, and I usually clap back with that same statement. I’m pretty protective of my relationship, since my partner is the most sweetest soul ever, and It makes me mad that people are so quick to judge based off of something so trivial. Is it really THAT DEEP? Can two people just exist and love each other?