Do girls ever truly chase short guys?
I’ve heard from taller friends that when first meeting a girl you find attractive, the chase as it’s called, is actually the best part. I guess it’s supposed to feel effortless like no matter what you say the girl is laughing, vibing with you until it culminates in sex or a relationship of some sort. The key part is that it should be really obvious that the girl is into you and wants you physically. Apparently some girls will even say some pretty out of pocket things indicating they want to fuck when in this stage with 6ft+ guys.
Wondering if any short guys have experienced this or if it’s not really possible for a girl to feel that kind of raw desire for a guy under 5’5”. In other words, girls never actually ‘chase’ a short guy like they would a taller guy, it’s only short guys chasing girls and those girls occasionally tolerate us if it’s beneficial at the time.