Should bed time be later?

LO is 9 weeks old. We have been doing final feeding from 7-7:30ish, followed by bath, a little play/wind down time, and then usually rock him to sleep by 8-8:15ish. He usually sleeps from the time we put him down, does a dream feed around 10pm, wakes anywhere from 2-3:30 for another feeding and always goes down really easily during these two feeds. Then starting anywhere from 4-5 he will wake, we get him down and then 10-15 min later up again. Sometimes we do feed his front this time if he won’t settle. This awake-asleep pattern usually goes on until 7 when I just get up with him and start his day. He gets decent naps throughout the day - they fluctuate from 40 - 90ish mins each (usually they are half contact and half in bassinet).

I know sleep pressure lessens during this time, but I’m wondering if he’s going down a little too early? Does anyone have experience with this and what are your bed times?