Rose Quartz “Birth”

Genuine question… how does Rose Quartz “give birth”? This may be a dumb question but I could never really wrap my head around this.

I understand that all the gems have a body that is made of light. From what I understand rather than bodies they have “projections.” Nevertheless their bodies (despite being made of light) clearly have solid properties which allow them to interact with objects on earth rather than phase through them. Additionally they can spawn their weapons and outfits through their gem and even change the way their bodies look.

I know that despite Steven having Rose’s gem he IS half human and a completely different being. This is further solidified by the episode where he goes to the doctor for the first time with Connie’s mom plus the birthday party episode where he ages rapidly.

I guess what I’m asking is… how the hell did Rose literally change the components of her physical matter 😭 did they explain this in the show and I just missed it?? Or am I thinking too hard on it 🌚