How has the economy not priced in how terrible things are right now?
Seriously as wonderful as the next dumbest “AI innovation” is that doesn’t change the fact that tariffs are being enacted and implemented (seemingly on a whim and of questionable effect), jobless numbers almost certainly going up (especially from the firings Of government sector workers putting even more pressure on the tight job market) inflation looks headed back up, egg prices are now $8 a dozen and so many of the international supply chains conglomerates depend on are at serious risk… not to mention the orange man in the White House will probably target you with the feds if you do (or previously did) something he doesn’t like (akin to a mafia more than in a regulatory sense), and that’s all assuming we manage to avoid the ever present looming government shut down and debt ceiling
Now tell me what is there to be possibly bullish about? Maybe individual companies could be fine, but the economy looks headed towards doomsday. As much as people like to pretend the government doesn’t play much of a role in the stock market, at the current moment it very clearly does and it’s baffling why this isn’t an obvious consensus.