Can't I Have A Little Freedom ?
I'm a freshman, and lately, I have been craving to change . I want to be more social and express myself in new ways whether that's with makeup, hair, style, or just trying new things. Every time I bring it up, my mother shuts down the idea of me wearing a little makeup, getting highlights, or even wearing tube tops or shorts.
Then there is the topic of my eyesight. Almost my whole life I have been wearing glasses. I can't see without them. I have worn them my whole life but never liked wearing them. I have tried new frames, and styles, and never liked the way I looked with them. I developed the courage to ask my mother of I could try contact out. Then she told me no. She's said that I'm too little to use them. That's simply now true. She even thinks that I will go blind. I know the risk as I have done my research- I know the risk that comes with contacts. With good maintenance, l should be good.
My mother doesn't even trust me to use my lunch pass to get lunch outside, even though I commute an hour to my school by myself every day. It's confusing and frustrating. I feel that I have proven myself. I'm on the honor roll, and I'm respectful. But none of it seems to matter to her. She doesn't even acknowledge my achievements.
What bothers me the most is watching my mom my brother who constantly disrespects her, all the freedom I'm denied while I'm left begging for the freedom that I get denied.
I just want the freedom to grow and be able to make decisions for myself. But with every "no" | feel as if I'm trapped in a cage when my self-expression is being taken away.