Seeking information - tack så mycket

Hej! I am learning Swedish. Jag är snäll och rolig…Kaffe och mjölk, tack? Välkommen…åh, du är lång. …I only started learning today. 🫣 I have much more to learn! But the thing is, I am hoping to visit Sweden, but I don’t know where I can stay that would be affordable. When I was a child, I thought that hostels were the free way to travel, like little temporary communes for backpackers and such, but I found out today that they cost money. Much to my dismay. Does anyone here know of a way to visit Sweden for 90+ days on a very minimal budget? Tack så mycket. I hope to visit your beautiful Sverige. Hej då!

(If I made mistakes with your lovely language, please forgive me! 💖)