What’s my style called?

I could only post one photo here, but this is what I wore today! And do I look acceptable/approachable? (Pls don’t bully me😭)

I could also tell a bit abt myself if that counts

Favourite artists - babymetal - aespa - Illit - Linkin Park

Hobbies - Drawing, crochet, skating, playing instruments, playing video games and lots more ^

I could only post one photo here, but this is what I wore today! And do I look acceptable/approachable? (Pls don’t bully me😭)

I could also tell a bit abt myself if that counts

Favourite artists - babymetal - aespa - Illit - Linkin Park

Hobbies - Drawing, crochet, skating, playing instruments, playing video games and lots more ^