My (17M) boyfriend finds it disrespectful that I (17F) wear revealing clothes when he’s not around.
Pretty much what the title says. I bought The weeknd tickets last night, which i’m pretty excited about because he’s been my favorite artist for a long time. We have had problems regarding to him before, when i mentioned that i wanted to get an XO tattoo to represent the weeknd’s slogan. He was upset at me telling me that it was basically representing another man in my body and that he found that very disrespectful. I shared my opinion but i told him i wouldn’t get it if he didn’t agree with it.
Today, he sent me a message saying ““i don’t wanna sound controlling im js worried abt if i end up not going to the concert, how im gonna feel if u end up wearing smthn like rly revealing like the feid concert and i didn’t say anything then bc i was there and yes i trust you but i js worry abt the kind of attention that’ll draw w me not there but ofc i want u to look good it’s just the worry of u dressing revealing that worries me” (i wore a short green skirt and a cropped long sleeve to said Feid concert).
I don’t know how to react? Is this controlling? Is it actually disrespectful if i wear revealing clothes when he’s not around? I’ve been talking to him about but i’m just speechless.