Adding basic physical, non-scripted, interaction between the dinos.

Because combat is the core of the game and physics would improve its every aspect. Mass and speed should matter a lot, directly, not only through stats. It should also matter who has the high ground.

E.g. Sparring Mode shows the devs care, and see the problem.

Dinosaurs should absolutely NOT 'clip' through each other like they do. Not hurting each other and often without even losing momentum. Because most similar mass dinos, when sprinting straight at each other and colliding, would terribly wound themselves, probably killing themselves by breaking their bones.

And if one is significantly heavier – the second should bounce off hurt, like a small child charging against a football player. Through game physics.

Sheer mass should be the main weapon of heavy herbivores - mass, stability of four supporting legs, tramplig, hitting with whole body, through the game physics, unpredictable and satisfying to use - and not just repetitive, artificial 'kick' script.

Bigger carnivores should not sprint right by each other jousting, with 70km/h relative speed, to make one tiny bite in full run as their main way of combat. It would be impossible to bite bigger opponent like that and it could break the backbone of the attacker. They would have to slow down to bite any bigger enemy in any meaninfull way. And the bite shoud interact with the victim, holding it down for some time, even if only one-two seconds. Biting should not be that easy, but when bite actually lands clean it should be impactfull.

Physics with mass and momentum is implemented for years, just not utilized:

Many games feature basic physical interaction - and here it would be crucial, elevating the whole gameplay to a completely new level, making combat WAY less repetitive, scripted, artificial, clunky, mathematical.

Far more believable, unpredictable, interesting, tactical, skill-based, satisfying.

Your opinion?