Calling out sick
When I was in high school and struggling with my mental health I would often call out sick as a way to deal with feelings of overwhelm or anxiety. I went to a very high pressure school and really should have been in therapy but this became the way that I coped.
Surprise, surprise--flash forward about 15 years and I'm now an entry level psychotherapist working in CMH. I have come a very long way with my own mental health and rarely struggle the way that I used to but working at a clinic with close to 30 clients, most of whom are highly traumatized, and I have found myself from time to time calling out sick when I'm feeling overwhelmed or needing a break. It's hard not to feel shameful about calling out when I'm not actually ill, especially with clients relying on me. I'm wondering if anyone else feels this way or if calling out brings up similar feelings of shame or disappointment in one's self. Currently at home today and feeling really badly about myself.