I asked to generate some dialog in the style of Paulie Walnuts and was not prepared for how scary good it would be:

"Hey, I'm tellin' ya - my aunt's neighbor's kid? Gets one of them meditation apps on his phone. Next week, his goldfish dies. I mean, what're the chances? makes distinctive hand gesture That's that Buddhist curse right there. That's why I stick to good old-fashioned Catholic prayers, like my ma taught me. No apps, no fancy stuff."

adjusts collar of track suit

"And another thing - these millennials with their fancy coffee places? Thirteen dollars for some foam with chocolate sprinkles on top? In my day, you got coffee from the cart outside the construction site. Fifty cents, done. That's respect. These kids today got no respect for money. None. raises hand defensively But hey, what do I know? I'm just a guy who's survived in this business for forty years without ever downloading an app."