young leaders for democracy argument was bad

The voting age was already lowered by the 26th amendment, down from 21 (14th amendment and only men).

It was matching the draft age b/c at the time (and currently) 'old enough to fight, old enough to vote'. There are other reasons we set it at 18 and not 14 or 10. 18 year olds start to show their independence from their parents, as they enter the work force or go off to higher education. They actively rebel as part of growing up. Which can lead to critical thinking, which is good for everyone.

I think the argument they made that children don't have a voice is partially inaccurate. Children are often the reason people speak up about issues. Sometimes it's disingenuous (mostly by politicians) but most parents, even those I disagree with b/c they are misinformed, still have the best interest of their children at heart.

I get what the writer was going for but it missed the mark and came off as sophomoric (he kept interrupting people to make his point instead of making a sound argument after they finished).

What do you think?