Happened to watch this Telugu movie called Razakar.
I know there was a lot of apprehension regarding the contents of the movie. I found it decent. They got the casting right. Makarand Deshpande killed it as the Nizam. So much that I couldn't identify him and had to look up in the web. The guy who played Razvi (Raj Arjun) was excellent as well. Tej Sapru suited for the look of Sardar Patel. There are some short but memorable performances from all other cast members as well. They managed to include some less mainstream stories of freedom fighters like Narayanarao Pawar(He is called Hyderabad Bhagath Singh), Bhimreddy Narsimhareddy and more. I was surprised to find scenes of Shoiabulla Khan(of Imroz newspaper) in a supposedly prejudiced film. There was mention of Turrebaz Khan too. One thing that disappointed me was the negligible presence of communists. Movie had some passing references about them. But for the kind of role they played in mobilizing people and empowering them, they deserved more. Overall it's a decent watch. The atrocities shown matched the stories I heard from people around me. Ofcourse there were some exaggerations and few scenes are dramatic in ott kind of tone. Nevertheless it's a good attempt at showing a part of history that is rarely discussed.