Blood test results not making sense to me!

Hi, I'm looking to get some advice about my recent blood test! I'm currently waiting the doctor getting back to me! I started trt about a month ago after testing 14nmol with symptoms. I just got the results of the month test after starting and was alarmed! The results dont make sense to me! I've been taking 0.15ml of sustanon twice a week and 500iu of hcg twice a week. Results are as follows....

FSH 0.3 LH 0.3 Oestradiol 116 Free T 2.321nmol Total T 88.70nmol (wtf?) SHBG 42 Prolactin 138

I'm confused about the high testosterone on 0.15ml twice a week. I feel like the levels would have maybe slightly gone up! Some slight improvements with symptoms. Nothing major. To me this looks like levels body builders go for! Wtf? I done the blood test like an hour or 2 after injecting so this could be why but even then on 0.15ml of sustanon? Doesn't seem right to me!

I also thought HCG would have kept LH active. What is HCG actually doing if LH is on the deck?

Any advice appreciated! Not an expert on this stuff. Mainly surface level knowledge from reading studies, watching videos and reading stuff on places like reddit!