I hate rec league playoffs

I am an old summer rec league, low level captain and my game yesterday was the least fun I had in a while. There were so many calls by specifically 2 of their players that was bogging down the game and making everyone annoyed. Somehow we have gone 12 games before this one with no travel or picks but this game we were apparently playing basketball cause I have never seen so many picks called in a game on us. I'm sure there must have been some actual good calls in there as picks can happen but unless it's egregious we tend to just ignore it as we aren't exactly knowing how to gain advantage on it.

Bad games happen but what made me sour was near the end of the game an opponent caught a pass very low to the ground and I said in a very normal and calm way:

"I heard a thunk sound as you caught it so it might have been down"

I was met with a lovely "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!"

Here's where I kind of sass'ed a comment of "oh I forgot this is playoffs, my bad, carry on"

This lead to both teams in an all out riot and I was standing there just dumbfounded.

I just hate playoff time.