Rice bucket workout
There once was a workout. A workout for climbers, for football players, for baseball players, for hand strength enthusiasts. A workout that gives you strong hands for strong catches, strong throws for strong winds and a strong mind in the face of strong Frisbee foes. A workout that was written to a “website”. That website is long gone and the few who know of this workout are left only with memories of the beauty that was the…
Rice bucket workout
This workout is done with your hands submerged in a bucket of rice. A 15 lb bag of rice can be found at Walmart, BJs, Costco etc. Dump the rice into a bucket, cooler, bowl or other large container. (I like using a cooler since you can shut the top and keep that rice dry). Make sure you can fully submerge both hands in whatever container you are using. For best results, do this workout 3 to 4 times a week.
The workout is consists of 12 exercises that are done back to back for 30 seconds each. When 30 seconds starts getting too easy, do it harder and faster. If that gets too easy and you’re not sore after, you can increase the times to up to a minute.
Squeezies. Dive your hands into the rice repeatedly and squeeze the rice through your hands like it is baby food. You are not a baby. Squeeze that rice.
Talon Fingers. Bring your finger tips together like a talon and plunge them into the rice. Explode your fingers outward like a grappling hook and pull out from the rice. Only plebs spill rice. Repeat at a good pace. Focus on extending your fingers all the way. Be the best grappling hook you can be.
Wax on. Submerge your fists in the rice. Swirl your wrists in a circular motion to the outside, like a mixer. Keep your forearms still and only move your wrists.
Wax off. Same thing but turn that mixer on the other way.
Paint the fence. Keep your fists in the rice and move your fists up and down as if you were the karate kid. Again, keep your forearms still focusing on only moving your hands.
Potato smasher. Keep your fists in the rice and move your fists side to side. I imagine a potato smasher for some reason. This one is but make sure to keep your forearms still again.
Magic palm. Gently touch the rice with your finger tips all together and slowly spread out your finger tips eventually touching your palm to the rice. Extend as far as you can and stretch those fingies.
Snatch the pebble. Very quickly, use all your finger tips together to snatch at the rice. Grab at just the surface, attempting to snatch the tiniest pebbles as fast as possible.
Gouge the eye. Dig your thumbs deep into the rice. Imagine your wildest enemy and gouge their eyes out. Work those thumbs.
Small puppy. Create cups with your hands and dig very quickly into the rice. Lock up your hands and move only your wrists. You are a puppy, there is something in that rice. You want it, but remember, only plebs spill rice.
Crush the pebble. As hard as you can, repeatedly grab the rice attempting to make gruel out of it. Crush the pebbles so hard they turn to a fine powder. Show the pebble gods you are the one to fear.
Trembling power. Grab a handful of rice in each hand. With all of your remaining strength, squeeze the rice as hard as you can for the last 30 seconds. You should be shaking with one bead of sweat dripping down your forehead. Who will break first, the rice, or you…
Original workout from DPMclimbing.com