Grammar should be corrected.

I think grammar and spelling should be corrected. Immediately and without pretense or dancing around to make someone feel better.

I have my own issues to work out (obviously), but seeing "lose" spelled out as "loose" is crazy to me. Anecdotal, but it seems to have gotten worse. And because someone mentioned I have only referenced spelling, "I seen him at the mall" is an example of the horrendous grammar I can't stand.

My country (America) is already shit on for poor reading comprehension from adults. How chronically online people still misspell words is beyond me, but people that complain about being corrected should be publicly shamed.

English not your first language? Congratulations on your attempt to speak another language. That is truly awesome. I have tried to speak German, and if I misspelled things in their language I would be corrected. And I wouldn't complain or make an excuse, I would thank them for the correction and move on.

If you are so sensitive that being corrected hurts your feelings, harder things in the world are going to be much worse for you.

(Final thought, I am not saying that people getting upset at the misspelling is unpopular. I am saying that it should be corrected and that correction should be encouraged).

Edit: added grammar