Lidl unsweetened soya milk recently changed and I don't much like it!
I was searching here for the last few weeks, expecting to find a ton of people saying how different it now was, but have not seen anything. Maybe it's just me then... but I find the new Vemondo soya milk (in the red top carton which appeared at the end of last year) is absolutely horrible in tea and just all round unpleasant really.
The old recipe was inoffensive and neutral tasting but this new version is thick, creamy and has a slightly sweet (and pretty vile imo) taste. It now tastes much like I remember some of the big brand soya milks used to - a bit odd.
I found it just about usable in coffee or on cereal (where the milk's flavour and sweetness is lost) but I tried using it on my overnight oats and it thickened up like custard :-/
Luckily I also have a Tesco nearby and can buy their cheapo Growers Harvest milk, which tastes just like the old Vemondo recipe. Bit of a shame though, as Lidl's was previously my go to.