NSSDR - Introduction


I would like to introduce my (kind-of starting) nation - NSSDR, Nowy Svjet Social-Democratic Republic, a successor to SSSCR, Starja Svjet Social-Communistic Republic, this universe's SSSR.

NSSDR is heavily based on the Czechoslovakia republic, it combines both the First and Second republic. Most of the builds are in-lore only at the moment - NSSDR has currently only one town, Zahranischkaja, which is still not done. This town is still an important in the NSSDR government as a diplomatic city with FIAB, Foreign Interests Administration Building in its heart.

FIAB - Exterior

I started NSSDR on the r/Empire_of_Ancora sub-Reddit, where I will also post more frequently to make r/Empire_of_Ancora more of a richer place and as a thanks to the people who helped me to start this project of mine. You can also find more lore and progress posts there for those who are interested. Surely dont forget to support them.

The reason I decided to join r/villagerstates is because even though NSSDR is yet to be fully built, I want the opportunity to be a part of alliances, trading and community of people with similar interests to mine and track the progress with them, even if its slowed by the survival gamemode I build in.

FIAB in the back above the Artificial lake

NSSDR might seem communist, but is not. The culture and poster designs were kept even after the fall of SSSCR. NSSDR government is also much more complicated, you can check it on r/Empire_of_Ancora ,,NSSDR - Lore post 1" post.

NSSDR Poster, can be seen on various places

Red outline - NSSDR, Red lines - planned train routes

I will be very thankful for an invite link to the Discord server. Thank you, I am very glad to introduce myself here. Slawja Rishi!