Associate lied about a third party worker

Alright, prepare yourselves this is a doozy.

So we got a new Premium worker not too long ago at my location. The ones who sell the phones and get commission. Well unfortunately for all of those Premium people my stores electronics department is the worst. Constantly cycling new associates, a TL with no backbone, and a Coach who couldn’t care less because he has his nose so far up our store managers ass.

From day one that department has been asking him to work for them and cover breaks and lunches and do things that Premium explicitly said he couldn’t do or he could get fired/fined. One day a Sporting Goods associate (one who’s been with the company for awhile) was doing her daily “walk by electronics and bother them” routine so she could gossip. Well, her and the Premium guy don’t get along because the associate, just like everyone else in my store, treats the third party workers like trash.

She got another attitude with him when he informed the electronics associate that a customer needed into one of the expensive cases. She yelled at him that he could do it, just like everyone in that store keeps telling him he can when his boss told him no. (This is an ongoing thing that my store is choosing to ignore) He asked her to treat him with respect and she lost it. She screamed at him until he cried.

Well, apparently she had gone to the break room and he didn’t know that so after speaking with me he went into the break room to take his break. He was walking fast (this is relevant.)

She proceeded to tell her Coach that he was threatening her and that she feared for her safety. They used the footage of him going into the break room after her and him “speed walking” as a means to say that he was going to hurt her. No police were called, nothing. He was off today and heard from one of the other workers what was going on. They were trying to get him fired.

Well, they were slightly successful. He is now no longer allowed to step onto my locations property for any reason and his job is making him reach an unknown number (they just said “a lot”) of sales in order to even stay employed. Otherwise he gets fired.

Even worse, the store never told him. His boss never told him. He heard, again from another worker, that he was trespassed.

I personally think this is ridiculous, if it’s true. From what I know of the guy (we went to school together) there is no way in hell he would have done that. The guy literally cried by being yelled at. I want to help but I can’t. They coached the only good associate in the department for even talking to him about it when it happened and the others are dropping like flies with attendance/coachings/transfers. I can’t say anything or vouch for his character because they’ll coach me too. They’ve already gotten onto me for even asking a question for one of them (they had asked me first cause I was walking by and I wasn’t sure)

If you have any advice, that would be great. But! If not that’s okay because I just needed to share this. That department literally sucks so bad guys I can’t even begin to express how awful it is. They probably have the highest turnover rate out of any department. They keep hiring people who are untrainable or just downright assholes! Sorry, went off on a tangent.

This whole store is insane but I’m just glad I’m in one of the only “okay” departments.