Buying right out of dental school, vs waiting 6 months-1 year.

I’ll be graduating dental school in May, and will start working in July. While my base salary will be around 13k a month, it’ll ramp up to about 15k/after a few months, and 20k monthly by the end of 2 years. We don’t have any money for a down payment, so it would be 100% financed by a physician home loan. Due to uncertainty around student loans right now, I’m not sure if I should rent for a little bit at a really cheap spot, and then buy a house once things become more clear, or if I should just buy a house right from the get-go with a physician mortgage loan. Ideally I’d love to buy sooner, to get the tax benefits, and to start putting money into equity.

We already know the area, and would be buying well below 28% of monthly income, and my wife is giving birth a few months after graduation, so we’re thinking it would be better to buy and not have to worry about that with a baby down the road. But if student loans change and my student loan payments have to go to the 10yr standard repayment plan, then I’m screwed.

What things should I be considering or thinking about whole making this decision?