Anyone want to start a tech company w/ me?
I went to a hackathon last week and out of 100 participants there were maybe 10 girls. It was really fun, and because in a CS major I’m use to it, but there was a group next to ours and I would go talk to them just to see how their projects are doing… and the vibe felt off… later that night someone was talking about them and they had a “no girls allowed” policy, and that’s why they were rude to me! (They won in their category btw 😭)
I was shocked. I have classes with these people, but whatever. I haven’t felt “different” from my peers until this moment.
But I’ve been really wanting to do Y combinator, start my own business, basically be one of those alpha finance bros but like… a girl with a software company. (I know that’s cheesy ok I have ADHD and dream big.)
I only have 2 semesters left, and so many ideas, I just wonder where to start? I talked to one guy in my class who has his own LLC and start up but he’s SO RUDE (and was in that “no girls allowed group).
Do I have time to be a Mark Zukkie start up successful girly? Does anyone want to do it with me? Is anyone else in the same boat?
Edit: Okay a lot of people are commenting! I’m leaving a discord link for us all to connect! And I’ll delete it later for Safety and stuff
Edit2: the group chat on discord is going, it just got really big so we are filtering it a bit! // might start another one??? Please send me your LinkedIn via private message and I’ll add you in!
Edit 3: WOW HOLY COW. This Blew up! In the past 24 hours I’ve applied for an LLC, networked with so many spectacular people and feel so inspired! I’m really grateful for the women who have been talking to me. The women in this group chat are so impressive and cool! I’ll keep adding people who want in, it’s going to be a place for networking, collaboration, feedback and input and mentorship.
//After what I’ve learned today, Its best to keep a circle small and be wary of who you take money from , and I’m looking for anyone else who is familiar with building AI models from scratch, hugging face, llama etc, and some familiarity with the film industry and passion there. (Having a lot of money would be great too)
I’ve also noticed some themes of ppl that interest me where I would like to start more gc. Like college students, because I’m also part of the Women Engineers society, and you guys should join the ones at your school and we can collab.
Also women in tech with adhd because I’m sure that would be a great support group ❤️