Sub Rogue Rotation. 2's or 3's

First time ever playing a rogue last season as assassin and I had a blast. I was always scared to play rogue because everyone says its a high skill cap toon and rogues have a lot of power to turn a loss into a win or vice versa. I have definitely been on the latter of that these last couple of days. But now I'm starting to get it and Im enjoying it more than assassin. Its definitely a totally different play style. After two days Ive learned to play without a silence and to manage my DRs. Hitting the rotation feels amazing but Im not even sure if Im doing it right. I was trying to put some rotations down then practice a little but unfortunately Im a little slow and its very confusing with the + damage here or shadow damage there in every other talent. So I figured Id share what I have so far.

Cheap Shot, Burst macro, Stab, Evis (M1F1), Stab, Cheap Shot, Evis (M2F$), Stab, Cheap, Tech, Stab, Evis (M3F1), Mini Burst, Stab, Evis (M$F$), Stab, Tech, stab, and from here try to get a rupture and reset or duke it out pressing symbol of death when another death mark proc comes or finality.

Not sure if this is 100% correct and I know its a 100% chance you will not get through all that in a match. But Basically I wanna Stab after every finisher and try to time my Symbol of Deaths with the Deathmark Procs and Finality Procs. I dont think I need to worry about the tech proc since it lasts for 30 sec. Right now Im not running tea but I do like the idea of adding another buff to my macro. And as Sub I want as much mastery as possible right? Im a little confused at to why the majority of builds were not running the tea or flagellation. Seems like a lot of mastery being left behind there, especially since you can macro the flagellation onto the same big burst macro and start eating combo points super fast.

Right now Im spec'd into CDR for symbol of death, the 20% or 30% damage buff to rupture didnt seem worth it to me because I almost never spend points on that now. Is rupture worth it as sub? Also from most of what Ive read its always cheap shot to open and never kidney. Are the stun times the same for kidney+cheap and 3 cheaps? Or is this because we want to cheap a healer in the middle of that somewhere?

Has anyone put together any potential 1 shot builds with this? I was working on one but became discouraged when I realized but gave up because I couldnt get to the bottom of the tree with enough talents. I really do think it would be fun to go around whacking people with a buffed up guaranteed security tech crit. Let me know what you guys think while were waiting for the servers to come back up

Edit - Forgot the mention the M1 and F1 is keeping track of the deathmark and the finality procs. If I understood them right the $ sign is when that proc would be used