Budget Laptops For Video Editing On The Go!
Question: What do you consider to be a good budget Laptop?
Post Rules/requirements: Pretty simple. (If you want to use em’. I don’t mind if you don’t use them.)
-The MAX PRICE is 700$ but to be a true budget laptop it must be around 500$ or less. (Laptops higher than 700$ can be put here AFTER the budget one in your post.)
-If it requires add ons, those count to the price. If they’re QOL add ons, they do not. (Ex:The charger comes separately- That’s a requirement. A stylus for touch screen is a QOL.)
-Editing software to pair with the laptop does NOT count towards the price and it is encouraged to suggest software.
Anyone can comment on recommendations but if you plan to give one, please follow the above guidelines! How you format the post doesn’t really matter so long as it has the Laptop’s name and price.
Hopefully this thread will help someone in the future if it kicks off!