40 damage High-Voltage Currant in today's challenge
Brainy nerf
Eureka buff
Don’t waste your money guys 😔
Idea to buff Zombot's Wrath
Because they are silly
Bricklayer Custom Zombie (And Brick Trick)
is there some sort of glitch with the missions?
Ice cattail, I think this is clearly interesting...
Devour should heal.
What are the worst nicknames have you ever seen in this game?
Inspired by u/No-Perception-731's post, I present more lobstered cards
I've create a sack that actually works very well.
Look at my nuts
Zombology Teacher rework idea
My face when the enemy uses 3 QB on a bullseye zombie
Just Guess
I just wanna redraw some meme templates
Eyespore got the most upvotes, so I added 4. Who else should be added? (Day 4)
Elcetric boogaloo here ask me anything
the best time to have 2 rocket sciences
They should let Primal Peashoter bounce gravestones
New Plant Hero: White Shadow (info in description)
I hate this game
Detecting the User's Operating System on the Server