Tried for more of an artistic shot. Lmk what you think!
Happy Sunday
Grand Teton. I kinda want to use this photo for a jigsaw puzzle
Name One!
Finally! My first Criterion film.
Discussion post
LPT: Put gel inserts in your slippers to extend the life of them
I, too, did a thing
The PT750 Is Now Live in Limited Quantities!
Brendan Gleeson, one of the best
Chris Murphy outlines the corruption of the first 6 weeks of the Trump presidency
Got a new headcover. Blending my love of movies with my new love of golf!
Best Body Horror films where the Horror is becoming deformed/mutated rather than getting turned into a blood splatter?
Just finished my DIY Home Sim Build
Can someone provide some information on this type of hairstyle? Was it really as popular as the movie Fearless (霍元甲) made it look for men in the 19th and early 20th century?
Remembering Stanley kubrick on The anniversary of his passing, 26years ago!!!
During the House Aviation Subcommittee hearing National Air Traffic Controllers President admits that he's not aware of any FAA involvement for the New Jersey Drones/UFOs. Rep. Van Drew says "Something's up", “Nobody can give me a good answer.”
Why do the wealthy want to own everything and destroy regular people? What happens when they have everything, but they're sitting around alone in a wasteland on a pile of money that's worth nothing and meaningless?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
A guy at the bar: "These atheists will be shocked when the rapture finally happens, am I right?"
Sometimes ya just get lucky - Evo80 -MTNU SUSU
Can we call this fake news? Or am I just living in a bubble?
!TKL Galaxy80 Gem80 Crush80 Evo80 TKL!
🤣 who remembers this movie
Anyone else been feeling a lack in motivation lately due to the uncertainty around the future of student loans/ grants?