Why weren't the Hells Angels put on the terrorism list along with the cartels?
Europeans should have to include their countries when they mock Americans online
Generation Y (Born 1977 to 1986)
Why has the UK stayed silent on Trump's threats to annex Canada?
curious if anyone is following Candace Owens and her attempt to prove Brigitte Macron is trans
Can we stop telling people they arent christian for voting for trump?
Gen Z not changing the world?
What happened to the European sub?
Poilievre’s Immigration Cap Of 250,000 Per Year Is Still Way Too High
(RANT) If you cant even read english and did not put effort to learn, dont even come here in Canada!
“It’s never felt more Canadian to be Canadian than it does right now.”
Do Canadians feel a there is a special connection to other former dominions like Australia and New Zealand?
The Canadians lost to Americans in hockey
Jeff's publicity from the show will do more towards CTD cure than the $10 million ever could
I'm watching the usa vs canada hockey game on a canadian channel and holy...
Brilliant response!
He nailed it
A part of Africa the Mainstream Media doesn’t show you
Why does the US have so much weird transit?
Why would he tweet this
Quirk chungus
“If there is another 9/11, then no one should help”
A South African-American oligarch showing off his latest acquisition.
Gen X (and Gen Jones) were the highest Republican voters, not Gen Z.