How old do they think I am??
Glorious Evolution
Just discovered this rock orbiting around earth. What should I name it?
Very Kind and Very Badass
My wife said, "Oh, you're so full of _________________ today!!"
You know this cut?
Hitler was a _______ guy.
Found this delight on Facebook and all I can say is Ew
When the hero decides to spare the villain, only for them to be immediately executed by another character.
The way they jiggle them hips is so powerful that it changes a whole particle's purpose
Which Ep. is a good overall INTRO to Distractible?
One time i licked a _____
personifications of death that aren't the stereotypical grim reaper
So I bought a latex horse mask…
When it’s implied that a character did something bad in the past but it’s never actually revealed what they’ve done
There’s always that one kid
2nd quantization brainrot
(StrawPoll) Who are you most excited to see in Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2?
You guys (presumably) love women
Technically the truth
How do you get an I phone camera to track a ball going 90 MPH at 3 inches of diamater?
The boy's are getting older
Give me a song and i’ll give it a colour based on fuck all except the name (image unrelated)
Stop jerking off to _____. Please.