Dating is significantly easier for women than it is for men?
In your opinion, do tariffs work in a modern, 21st century economy?
what is the age of young adults?
How many people are in your household?
Of these choices which country would you most like to live in?
We're having a boy (due in 3.5 months) and we've narrowed the name list down to 3 names. Please pick the nicest one because we're having trouble choosing. Our last name is Rosenberg. Thanks in advance. ~?
Do you think a lot of people date for self validation?
Calling out sick
I painted my German Shepherd cause I love him so much!
What color do you want the inside walls of the place where you live to be?
Vegetable consumption and body size?
What should I do with my streams on YouTube from here on out?
Which Legendary TV Actor should receive the SAG Life Achievement Award in 2026?
Workplace hires people with zero experience
In what age range are you?
Who would you rather be married to ? (Women’s version)
i got 10 dollars left after paying my half of the rent, what should i get?
How would you describe your friendship needs now?
Are you a bot???????
Do you like fruit or veggies better?
What's your opinion of what's going on with the US and the Canada?
How do you deal with the possibility of long-term care in your retirement savings?
Do you think men with beard are more attractive?
Who would you choose as a political leader?
Toxic responses in this group