What is a mostly universally hated band that you actually like?
What is the filthiest country you have ever been to?
Name your favorite movie that starts with the letter H.
What’s your favorite savory thing to put on toast?
Who are you going with?
Just found 2 pairs of Lululemon pants in my size at goodwill. They told me I couldn’t purchase them (I did).
Best Sober Cities to Move to for a Fresh Start in the United States?
What is the most 'protected' national park?
Whitney’s accent is a mystery, her ‘K’s are iconic, and her reactions are pure gold ✨☕️ We’ll never get enough of her!
What advice would you give the younger you if you could?
Name one actor whose movies you'll watch simply because they’re in it
Best Place to Live for a Year or Two
What do you think about Jessica Biel as an actress?
Americans on the left or right, do you believe the political middle ground has been destroyed and what has caused that destruction if so?
How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
What is the best fruit to go with chocolate?
Who’s the best Jennifer?
Would this sort of movie be allowed/socially acceptable in USA?
What's your least favorite spice?
The Oscars won't exist in 20 years
Who is your celebrity crush?
Best beach in south Florida for toddlers?
Why are those that live in a trailer park looked down upon ?
Can I hold Your Baby?
These dresses are considered some of the worst looks is Oscars history. Thoughts?