Can an American explain America please
Haven’t been on this sub in a long time
Guess I better get to working out 😔
Everybody on here CAN'T Do FIVE PUSHUPS
Guy I have a gf (:
where do you see yourself in 10 years
Did I lift weights or did the weights lift me
I hate high school, but it's less bad because of monsters
I love the diversity in this subreddit
Your pfp is now what you become. How screwed are you?
What would you name your band
Question for guys
Guys ON GOD I’m going to get a girlfriend before valentine day
asking the guys, what would you want for valentines
bro does anyone else find belly fat on girls to be so attractive 😭🙏
Who's here looking younger or older then your age
What are your ways to cope when youre feeling sad?
why do men hide their feelings
Being a twink is actually very manly >:(
Do u have to be talking 24/7 in a relationship? 🐣
How often do you cry?
36/M/UK/Sold my house
i finally bought my prom dress!! (it feels late bc of other girls at school)
Late night protien
Would this squat count?