Guys , can we make a group chat on Reddit?
Are glasses on girls attractive to y'all?
Is it normal to not be attracted to people?
Do you guys still sleep with Plushies?
Are guys only friends with girls who they find attractive?
How the actual fuck do people consume 180g of protein?
Gimme your freakiest kinks
Wanna start watching anime... where do i start?
scene outfit!!
most attractive muscle in a guy
What’s my style called?
At what age did you have your first girlfriend?
Opinion on slurs?
Why girls like taller guys?
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name
Is 120kgs too fat for you?
What Hobby is the Most attractive for a man?
Looks like Steven Seagal got some competition
Is it weird that guys with "too much muscle" gross me out?
Might not be fully over, yet.
How would you raise yourself differently from how your parents did?
Shut up with the “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” bs.
How many grams of shrooms when on SSRI for maximal mental health benefits?
What's your opinion of religion as a whole?