Kissgate (Sean Hannity)
How to be top 25% of my SFAS class
What motivated you guys to start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
38, recently discovered. What does my living room need?
[TOMT] [MOVIE/TV QUOTE] “The hell you telling me for?”
Studio Audience
Buying a rucksack in Fayetteville?
Who would be your most unconventional pick to play Bond just for the fun of seeing it all play out?
5 Mile Run Times
Molle II Ruck
The Packing List Manifesto
Special Forces tryouts in September near Jacksonville, FL. (Open to all service members and US Citizens around the world)
Can native speakers of a foreign language skip the language portion of the Q Course if they are assigned to a SFG that corresponds to their foreign language?
Who signs off on a DD368?
We’re scattering the fucking ashes!
When I die, I want to be cremated & put into a 3D printed model of this urn!
Have you ever accidentally injured someone seriously?
Sheriff Dept in Ohio.
Air Force to Green Beret
Response About Pat Shaghole
Que opinan de la palabra "latinx"
Shitbull got me.
Who do you guys think Rogans weirdest guests have been?
Wave of the future, Dude. 100% electronic.
The Big Lebowski 1998 4K - $4.99
Getting a Jiu Jitsu brown belt in 23 months …… who approves ?
Best weekday days to train at your gym?