Here's a game: give me any video game character and I'll make the to comment into a brawler concept
I need goofy or cool names for my strange panic attack
Ah yes. “”””Good Random “”””
Opinions on the Natascha?
Give me a brawler and I will make them a new gadget.
Give me ideas for a skin theme you would like to see in brawl stars, and ile rank them
I just watched a B4nny video where he made ragdolls freeze mid air. Is this possible with the console command he used? Or something more complex?
Ask And You Shall Receive
It's been a long time since i made weapon ideas
Would you run this on spy?
Is it controversial to say that I love this Starscream design?
If soldier got a chance to fight in a civil war, which side would he be fighting on ? the Union or Confederacy ?
First post in the TABS subreddit and probably reddit in general LMAO. Check out my map :)))
Your characters were just wandering around the Fire Continent…when suddenly,they heard something coming from a nearby forge…
How do You Use the Escape Plan and Equalizer?
Byron hypercharge leaked
This guy is a shapeshifter, tell him something or someone to shapeshift
Quick question:which Megatron is the best Megatron to you?
What would your Oc say to these ones of mine
I litteraly had a serverblight nightmare
What's your opinion about the Classic? Personally. I like using it and it's my main rifle I use.
What brawler do you like playing but hate playing against?
(Posting this here because The main sub isnt allowing me to). Judging from the leaks, which one do you (unironically) want to get added
Tell Me About Your Superhero Universe And Your Favorite/Main Heroes!
my rarity rework... thoughts?